
Company Me
Mission Statement- Enjoying my path and always working hard with the future in mind.

Business Environment
The industry I will be competing in is the business industry. More specifically, I would like to be in the cybersecurity aspect of the business industry. To get into this field and succeed I must continue to use strategic planning. This will allow me to plan out my steps to get into this field. Cybersecurity is a field that is needed in our country and internationally. An O*Net report gives the idea of work related activities such as analyzing data, gathering info, communicating ideas to others, and so on. This is a competitive field but it is a field that is always in need.

Being the CEO of myself I have to consider this a sole proprietorship. Some challenges of being the CEO of company me include getting myself out there and gathering connections for my field. Those are challenges because with many other things needing attention it can be difficult to fit certain things in. I can sell product me with valuable skills and experience that I have. Some potential strategies for a start-up are making more connections that can take me a long way. Another thing is gathering more experience that can set me up for the future. After this I would say Company Me is in a good starting place to succeed.

As the general manager the first step in planning I would take is what goals I have and how I can plan on reaching those goals. Organizing would be putting things that needed to get done for Company Me first, then things that can be done at a later date after that. For directing I would use the laissez-faire type of leadership because it fits Company Me's personality of being laid-back but still getting things done. Controlling would be making sure I stay on task with things that need to get done for Company Me. For employee me I would like to know what I have to do for the day and just freely do it. I would manage myself by checking in to see how things are going and to see the progress of the tasks. I would attract myself to the industry by discussing my talents, experiences, and skills that can be used in the cybersecurity field. 

As the CMO of Company Me I can promote myself by putting myself out there at networking events and handing out things like business cards. My potential customers are businesses looking to employ me and see what I have to offer as Company Me. My marketing mix/four p's would be what I offer as a product, what price I will work for, how I handle myself for promotion, and the place/area I would want to work. I would design and develop Product Me by showing what Product Me offers and how interested customers can get a Product Me. Digital marketing for Product Me can be used by making myself available on social media sites and professional sites such as LinkedIn. This way interested customers could see what Product Me has to offer with just a click of the mouse. 

Accounting and Finance
At the beginning of Product Me you can't expect a large pay. Product Me works its way up to achieve its goals. Eventually, I would manage my investments as Company Me by staying organized with my investments and making sure they are still producing an income. I could create a financial plan for Company Me by seeing my current assets, debt owed, balance sheets, and so on. I would then go from there to see what is best for Company Me, once everything was organized.

Information Systems and Operations
As the CIO I would consider using something like Google Analytics that allows me to see the traffic on my promotion sites such as my LinkedIn page. I would do this to see if people are actually seeing it or if I need to make changes to get it seen more. I can't be productive if it isn't seen. This would be a good way to put Company Me to the test to see if it is actually getting viewed. I would also be open to other data sources that allow me to see the viewer count of my page.

15-1122.00 - Information Security Analysts. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/15-1122.00

Drucker, P. F. (2016, October 17). Managing Oneself. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2005/01/managing-oneself

Granville, K. (n.d.). How to Manage Your Career. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/guides/business/manage-your-career?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=pay&smvar=guides


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